Nathan M. Greenfield

Nathan M. Greenfield, volunteer at the Sociology Department,   Ph.D., Military Historian; Doctorate, McGill University (Montreal, Canada) American Literature; M.A. McGill University (Literature, Literary Theory).
Dr. Greenfield is the author of the following books: 
Battle of the St. Lawrence: The Second World War in Canada (2004);
Baptism of Fire: The Second Battle of Ypres and the Forging of Canada, April 1915 (2007);
The Damned: The Canadians at the Battle of Hong Kong and the POW Experience, 1941-45 (2010);
The Forgotten: Canadian POWs, Escapers, Evaders in Europe, 1939-1945 (2013);
The Reckoning: Canadian POWS in the Great War (2016);
Hanged in Medicine Hat: Murders in a Nazi Prisoner-of-War Camp, and the Disturbing True Story of Canada’s Last Mass Execution.
Dr. Greenfield is also a North American correspondent for University World News (London, UK).